10% of each sale is donated to Mind - for better mental health awareness and support across the UK.

A blog for Mind Charity - how the work place impacted my mental health.

A blog for Mind Charity - how the work place impacted my mental health.

Lauren blogs about why she created her own fashion brand for better mental health.

I have been living with anxiety and depression for over 10 years. Despite my mental health illness, I have always been very career driven but I have found it really difficult to fit in to the ‘working world’ due to lack of support offered by employers. Most of the roles I have had have involved quite a long commute as well as quite high-pressured environments and long hours. All of these things combined ended up taking its toll on my mental health and considering I already had mental health problems it hit me quite hard. The environment would trigger my anxiety and often lead me to me being unable to leave the house and having to call in ‘sick’ or cause sleepless nights and awful starts to the day, which would lead to being late for work.

My anxiety and often lead me to me being unable to leave the house

I gained a fashion degree with the hopes of pursuing a career within in the fashion industry. Unfortunately, after almost five years of working within the fashion industry, I had to make the decision to leave. Due to the very toxic environment and lack of support with my mental illness, my mental health went rapidly down hill…

Click here to read the full blog on the Mind website.

Embrace your skin - Blog for Bioderma UK

Embrace your skin - Blog for Bioderma UK

Dermatillomania & Mental Health

Dermatillomania & Mental Health